
Showing posts from August, 2018

What else am I blind to?

When you go vegan your eyes are opened to just how pervasive animal use and abuse is in society.  It often feels to me like I'm aware of a big, awful secret that only a few people know about. All around me are people seemingly oblivious to the fact that billions of animals each year suffer and die so they can be eaten or worn. Even fewer people are accepting of the fact that animals do not exist on earth as a resource to be exploited by humans.  But I frequently have to remind myself I was just the same only a few years ago; I didn't think twice about animals and I thought vegans were just a fringe group of misguided souls. Having my eyes finally opened to the enormous scope of animal exploitation has made me ask the question: What else is going on around me that I am blind to? And what other horrors am I a willing participant in?