
Puddles the Pig

Once, there was a pig named Puddles who lived on a small farm with her family. Puddles was a happy and curious pig who loved to explore the fields and play with her brothers and sisters. She was always the first to greet the farmer when he came to feed them, and she would wag her tail and nuzzle his hand in excitement. One day, Puddles and her family were rounded up and loaded into a truck. They were taken to a dark and crowded place where they could hear the noises of other animals in distress. Puddles was scared and confused, and she clung to her mother's side for comfort. After a few days, Puddles was separated from her family and taken to a small pen. She could see and hear other pigs being led away to a different part of the building, and she knew that something terrible was happening. She was right. Puddles was killed and butchered, and her meat was sold to humans who ate her without knowing or caring who she was or what she had experienced. Puddles' life was short and un...

Why a Vegan diet is the best for people and the planet.

A vegan diet is a dietary plan that excludes all animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. There are many compelling reasons why a vegan diet is the best dietary choice for both individuals and the planet. Here are a few of the key arguments in favor of a vegan diet: A vegan diet is healthier. Many people choose a vegan diet for its health benefits. Studies have shown that a well-planned vegan diet can provide all of the nutrients that the body needs, and it can even help to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In addition, a vegan diet is typically lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can help to improve overall health and wellbeing. A vegan diet is more sustainable. The production of animal-based foods has a significant environmental impact, including greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use, and deforestation. By contrast, a vegan diet requires fewer resources and generates less environmental pollution. ...

Why should we stop eating and wearing animals?

There are many compelling reasons why humans should not eat or wear animals. Here are a few of the key arguments for this position: Eating and wearing animals is unethical. Many people believe that it is unethical to kill and exploit animals for food or clothing. Animals have their own lives and experiences, and they are capable of feeling pain and suffering. By treating them as mere resources for human consumption or fashion, we are denying them their basic rights and dignity. Eating and wearing animals is harmful to the environment. The production of animal-based foods and clothing has a significant negative impact on the environment. For example, the farming of animals for food generates a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. In addition, the production of animal-based clothing often involves the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides, which can pollute the air, water, and soil. Eating and wearing animals is unnecessary. Many people choose t...

What else am I blind to?

When you go vegan your eyes are opened to just how pervasive animal use and abuse is in society.  It often feels to me like I'm aware of a big, awful secret that only a few people know about. All around me are people seemingly oblivious to the fact that billions of animals each year suffer and die so they can be eaten or worn. Even fewer people are accepting of the fact that animals do not exist on earth as a resource to be exploited by humans.  But I frequently have to remind myself I was just the same only a few years ago; I didn't think twice about animals and I thought vegans were just a fringe group of misguided souls. Having my eyes finally opened to the enormous scope of animal exploitation has made me ask the question: What else is going on around me that I am blind to? And what other horrors am I a willing participant in?

Vegan Hypocrisy

Since transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, one thing I've noticed is that non-vegans really want to find all the ways in which you must be a hypocrite for being vegan. I have to admit that I did this too before I switched to being vegan. I would grill vegans to find the loophole or inconsistency in their belief system.  I think it makes people feel better about their own choice to harm animals if they can point out all the little ways in which the vegan is somehow inconsistent in their attempts to be cruelty-free.  They think that if they can prove the vegan is a hypocrite in some way, it makes their use and consumption of animals ok. Certainly as vegans we are used to people making "Appeals to extremes" in their arguments against veganism (Would you eat meat if you were stranded on a desert island? etc).  After all, you have to go to great lengths to deny the simple fact that hurting animals for pleasure and convenience is wrong. But the hypocrisy arguments are differ...

When non-vegans "Double Down"

"Doubling Down" describes a certain kind of behaviour I have seen a lot of since becoming vegan.  Basically, it's when a non-vegan, confronted with someone who is vegan, feels the need to assert their commitment to animal cruelty in an exaggerated way.  It manifests itself in a number of ways, which I'll try to describe. The first (and possibly worst) is when you tell someone you're vegan, or you are eating with them and you order a vegan meal, and they say something to the effect of "I'll guess I'll have to eat even more meat",  or, "I'll have to have extra bacon then!"  I think non-vegans think it's funny to say stuff like this, but if you dig a little deeper, it's pretty sick. If I told a non-vegan that I'd rescued a dog from a fire, they would never say "Well I guess I'll have to go burn two dogs then!" Similarly, if you told someone you had adopted a cat from a shelter, they wouldn't tell you t...